Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Funday

Sunday Funday really is an applicable saying here! We started with a nice “brown out” (which is the equivalent to our black out). So church was packed and with no fans… I (trying to be nice and fancy) wore a full-length skirt and was giving my testimony in front of all these strangers= completely sweaty mess! J But with the Holy Spirit’s help, I made it through just fine. I had several people come up after and thank me for my bravery in Christ [when the Filipinos speak English, they speak it veryyyy formally]. I didn’t know a single song that was sang, or what Pastor was saying when he spoke, so I just swayed with the music and smiled a lot. Such an easy default. They are trying to begin fundraising for their Christmas outreach already. Apparently Filipinos just don’t save money, it’s not a part of their culture. So in order to raise enough money to put together rice and other necessities for the families in the surrounding area, they must being raising in any “ber” month [septemBER, octoBER, NovemBER]. Because of you all, God has provided a little extra money to use towards His kingdom while I am here. There are needs for money all around me- so I ask that you all pray for God to show me where He intends this money to be used. I’m serious, please pray for me about it. I know I am often guilty of saying I will pray for something and then forgetting to do it, so please take a short break and consult God on my behalf for wisdom. There is power in prayer in number!

Onward- after church we had Bekah’s Bible clubs. These are bible study type sessions for girls around her age. It has grown so popular that there are two groups who come through. The session looked like this:
-handshake they made up to greet everyone
-singing of a couple visaya worship songs & just silly songs I think (it’s in a different language, so guessing is my best game here). In one song, they have to follow the dance moves of a girl they pick—guess who got picked.. da da da dahhh- ME! So I did some ridiculous mixture of a step workout/ pilates move and they died laughing and continued to do it the rest of the day. I’m sure that will never leave now ;)
-a game of weaving hands out of a maze
-a bible lesson taught by Bekah
- a skit to go with the lesson (yes, I was given a really important role ;))
- goodbye snacks and drinks

Bible Clubs are TIRING! Bekah does all the work and I was still tired!! J For dinner tonight, we had a special treat! I got to have a night out on the town in Gingoog City (for those of you trying to pronounce this, it is tricky. It is Ging (like sing), oh-oh-g. All vowels get pronounced. So “I” sounds like the long “e”, and “o” is the long “o”, “u” is like oooo. So we are going out on the town, but we end up taking like 10 girls from the church with us. They all just rode in the back of the truck and the baby in the backseat with no carseat. So different! We grabbed some burgers (12 burgers for $4, take that McDonalds) and headed to the pier. The pier was actually really cool. I got to see the Filipinos having a good time in a typical boardwalk scene. They had little vendors set up along the way. I got a mango slushy and OH MY GRACIOUS- it was better than chocolate. Yeah, I said it. It was amazing, unreal, out of this world good. In fact, I had to go back for a second one!!!! J And I’m not even ashamed. I also tried some boiled egg with flour fried around it… I’m not really sure what it was, but I liked it.

Mimay is still pregnant (she was due about a week ago). She has agreed to let me be present for the whole process so I’m really excited! Pray for God to bring that baby out soon!! Also, a girl named Orpha is pregnant and was hospitalized today for dengue fever. Please also be praying for her. Lola is a 92 year old widow who lives in a one room place here that the Kennys feed every day. I got to meet her yesterday. So many people here are living out so many real problems. I could go on for quite awhile. I realize yall don’t know these people, but they are brothers and sisters in Christ, so I want to share their stories so that you can rally them in prayer from across the world.

Started my day with a wonderful devotional- wanted to share it with yall as it really hits home for me and I hope it encourages you.
“I designed you to live in union with Me. This union does not negate who you are; it actually makes you more fully yourself. When you try to live independently of Me, you experience emptiness and dissatisfaction. You may gain the whole world and yet lose everything that really counts.

Find fulfillment through living close to Me, yielding to My purposes for you. Thought I may lead you along paths that feel alien to you, trust that I know what I am doing. If you follow Me wholeheartedly, you will discover facets of yourself that were previously hidden. I know you intimately- far better than you know yourself. In union with Me, you are complete. In closeness to Me, you are transformed more and more into the one I designed you to be. “

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