Saturday, September 15, 2012

Compassion & Beach Area

\These are the Compassion children that are sponsored in Pandan. They meet every Saturday for a bible lesson (kind of like sunday school). The one on my lap is named Eliza (she looks like she doesn't like me, but i think she does ;)) and her mom is Ate Alma on the left. She speaks english and is one of my favorite people to talk to here. She is soo so sweet and has such a heart for these children! [her son is also Elroy-the new Baylor bear]

Cooking lunch for all the Compassion participants. 

I'm not sure about other parts of the US, but i'm pretty sure none of my Texas people have seen leaves this big!!! :-0

The rest of the pictures below are of the Beach Play area. This is possibly one of my favorite times of the day here. From 4-6pm we bring a variety of activities down to the beach for the community to come and play together. I have played some frisbee, london bridges took place here, swimming, freeze tag, soccer, water basketball, and lots of volleyball! It's so great because all walks of the community come down. We have people from the bible studies, kids from basketball pracitce, from guitar practice, completely strange men and boys, the party goers... basically all walks of life show up here to either participate or watch! There are big visions for the area. Today, with the help of my amazing sponsors, we purchased rope to make a four square volleyball court (basically 2 courts next to each other). It took 70 meters which cost 1,400 filipino pesos (about $35) of rope!! We will purchase the wood for the poles later this week. So thank you so much sponsors for making this possible!!! I think that the Beach Play area is such a great opportunity for an approachable ministry. 

This is Raymond building one of the soccer goals! 

One of the groups that comes to drink at the beach. I love that everyone comes. Come one, come all!! We just need to be a good representation of Christ to everyone and let God do the rest. P.S... yes, they are just sitting around burying each other. Filipinos are completely content just sitting around doing such...

I think I can now name every girl in these pictures. I really want to learn their names because I think them feeling special is a way of showing God's love. Such a simple way, but you should see their faces light up when i simply remember their names. 

These two cuties are floating on one of Mark's recycled inventions. Every day when we clean the beach, we keep anything that is made of foam (such as flip flops), and put them in old rice bags to become floating toys!!! Talk about being green!!! :)) Nothing goes to waste around here. 

This is a floating basketball goal that is floating by the same means as described above. Amazing huh? 
There are big plans for this Beach Area and I hope to help as much as possible in this arena. Thank you all so much for making this possible!!! 

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