Friday, September 14, 2012

Kapoy [kah-poye]

Kapoy means tired! The Kennys daily pace is a tiring one! I think I have said the 100 times in the last two days! Let's see- where have I been...

-early morning: thought it would be a good idea to go for a beach run and do abs. So I ran to the beach play area and started doing some crunches and bicycles. Next thing I know, there's a little girl next to me mimicking my every move ;) So I thought I'd show off a little and try out every ab workout I could think of... She was adorable. So naturally we moved to yoga moves-- this just made her giggle and giggle and giggle. I started running back home, turned back to see her in the water practicing her new found yoga moves ;)
-mid morning: guitar practice-- fingers now completely raw but strumming a bit!
-afternoon: basketball practice. played 3 on 3. i now completely regret my workout that morning. To say I sweat was an understatement. I think I straight wrung all the moisture out of my body onto my tshirt. Great- there's no such thing as a tall white woman blending in with all the dark filipino boys, so now i am the sweaty, tall, white woman! After bball, it is straight to Moms Bible Study! I brought over a ton of my sisters' (so sweet of them) baby clothes to hand out, and these mommas loved it!!! (by about an hour later in the day, I saw several of the new clothes running around the streets. My personal favorite was a little boy named Elroy wearing a Baylor Bear shirt!! I need to snag a picture of this ASAP!) At bible study, we talked about how it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man enter the kingdom of heaven. The filipinos think that getting to america is the answer to their poverty. So i got to share that america is definitely not the answer. That we, as a nation, are definitely the rich man who cannot let go of his earthly possessions, and that these filipinos were blessed to daily rely on God for provision.

evening: beach time where I finally got to connect to some women who can speak English. It's amazing how precious an English conversation is to me. BUT there's no such thing as a conversation without 15 little girls sitting around us as well. :) AND tacos for dinner. This made me so so so so so so happy, and they were delicious!!!!


I actually slept in til 5:30!!! :)) This is progress. I almost went and fed that rooster a bread crumb as a thank you (can you train roosters?). Then I got to skype with pretty much all of my family & Daniel- so rejuvenating!! Then guitar, bible study (pictures above), basketball practice (not really practice today, more of a hard hard hard workout. we ran on the beach for what i felt like was a marathon and did about 150 pushups. We actually ran in a line and had to throw the ball behind our heads for the next person to catch. If it dropped, we had to do pushups.. even in the water. By the way, while doing this, these crazy lil filipinos are doing standing back flips. my front hand spring has been put to shame...), then a much much much needed nap, beach time (i taught the kids how to play freeze tag and they taught me how to play london bridges/ a human chain version of tug-o-war... lots of laughing and smiles), checked some BPs, then to Nehemiah House for family night (games and a movie). We played a mass game of Twister, then they taught me a game of dodgeball... so of course, i fell asleep during Finding Nemo. We are back at the house now and I am kapoy!!

Calling it a night. BUT i do also want to add what God has been showing me while i'm here:

He reminded me that my daily routine here can be pleasing to Him. Even when we walk through life not really feeling like we are doing much, that does not mean that our spiritual walk isn't thriving abundantly. We may be going on the adventure of our lives spiritually, and the only way to make it through is to cling tight to the Light of the World so that we will not stumble. Such a good reminder for me right now, because when I originally said i wanted to do a mission trip- I envisioned me doing huge things and seeing God changing people and situations right before my eyes everyday. But that is not what this is about- this is about making myself available to God and allowing Him to be at work through me, even if i don't always see the results.

Clinging tight to Him.

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