Sunday, September 23, 2012

Catch Up

So the internet has been down for awhile now, and it feels like living life in the Philippines is becoming more natural. I am used to having dirty, wet feet that tracks sand everywhere, I am used to being in a constant state of sweat, I am used to there NEVER being a moment of silence (roosters, dogs, cats, babies, kids playing in the street, fishing boats, karaoke next door), I am used to ants being a part of my daily food intake, I am used to ducking all the time, I am used to never knowing what is being said around me, I am used to going to bed at 8:30 and waking up at 4:30ish, I am used to walking down the streets of Pandan with everybody saying hello and i am even getting the hang of saying "maayong buntag (good morning)" or "maayong gabii (goodnight)." I am used to little kids running up to me with their hands up meaning they want their try at a high five with the tall girl :) I am used to the fact that a meal is not a meal without rice. I am learning the names of people and realizing that everyone is related to someone somehow. I am realizing that the filipino culture is very social and family oriented. I am realizing that the filipinos pretty much all understand what i am saying, but rarely know how to answer in english (i am surrounded by really good listeners ;)).

Some other realizations: In America, I journal my prayers and thoughts daily. It really makes me focus and come back to the reality of what is important. I brought my journal here thinking I would be madly journaling, but I have come to realize that there aren't so many distractions here. My communication with God and my focus on Him just surrounds me. When I try to sit to journal, i feel like i have nothing to journal because i've been thinking on it all day and talking to God about it. The oddest part is that most times i have nothing to say to God. I just am with God. Does that make sense? I can just sit down somewhere in a room with people or out on the beach by myself and just be with God. My mind isn't going 100 mph with plans and to-do lists like it does when I'm in America. I have nothing to do here but be with God. I'm not trying to make it sound like I have perfected communication or time iwht God, but it's like i have no choice here. It just is. AND sometimes God hits me with the fact that He loves each and every one of these people here just as much as He does in the States. These are my brothers and sisters too even if i don't understand them.

Okay- a few catch up stories:

Saturday morning i got invited to go play volleyball with the members of the Gingoog Volleyball Association. Coya Gong Gong picked me up on his motorcycle at 5:30am Saturday morning along with another guy (rolling 3 deep on a motorcycle, totally natural). As we drove through Pandan, 3 more motorcycles full of guys joined us. We drove up to this outdoor court at the base of the mountains and there were about 15 other motorcycles of volleyball men there. It's like a motorcycle gang of volleyball players :) They were all my age or older and spoke little english (except one engineer who was explainging things to me). We played for 3 hours! It was a blast! They laughed everytime i blocked someone or hit past someone. They all seemed to really enjoy one another and teased a lot (i think at least). They all started putting money down before games and I thought it was betting, but at the end of the games, a guy took all the money and went to buy fresh bread and tang. We all sat down and ate breakfast together. It was AWESOME! Talk about a cool little community of guys here! They invited me back for all my remaining Saturdays so this is something I will look forward to every week.

We did another outreach last night through The Father's Hand ministries here in Pandan. We handed out food and clothing. It was so fun to see the peoples' face light up like it was Christmas- and the really cool part about doing it in Pandan was that I knew most of the people and have started building relationships with them. I even helped walk some ladies home with their new gifts and by the time i walked back to my house, I saw one of the elderly women taking some of her food to her neighbor to share!!! How awesome is that?!

On Saturday we went to finish buying the necessary wood and cement for the beach courts (soccer and volleyball). Then the rest of Saturday was spent digging eight 3x3 holes and putting posts down in cement. It was hot and tiring!!! But today we will put the rope down and have the finished courts! praise the lord!!

Sign in the PhilHealth pregnancy center :)

I got a picture of our Elroy Baylor Bear fan! His mom is Ate Alma- my filipino momma! 

The Wednesday bible study- it's huge! kids running around constantly. 

My neighbors on the rooftop next to me :)

A special presentation in church. Sing and dance is really big here. 

Road work. The gov't needs some english lessons :)

The Father's Hand Ministry outreach in Pandan

The clothes being picked out! :)
Everyone pile in for church. Yes, this is normal. 

The happy Nehemiah girls

This might be my favorite. There is a guy driving this motorcycle and they have two more guys balanced on either side of the driving motorcycle and then this motorcycle is strapped on top with a guy texting on it. Only in the Philippines!

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