Saturday, September 1, 2012

Change of Plans- Big Changes!

Two days ago, I was grabbing lunch with my wonderful sister and mother at Panera Bread when I got a call from Buckner informing me that the security risks in Kenya were too high to travel there. Needless to say, I was crushed! I have had my hopes set on going to Africa and working with the orphans and families for almost two months! BUT- then I was that God is in control. What a comfort!

My family and I prayed quite a bit that afternoon for direction on what to do next. We started contacting missionary families that we knew. Literally that afternoon, we had made a connection with the Kenney family that we know from our years at Sky Ranch. The Kenney's have a ministry called Zoe to the World (which means "Joy to the world" according the diction in John 10:10) in the Philippines. They immediately invited me to come work along beside their family and ministry. (

I booked my flight for this Friday, September 7, and my return flight is December 7. Wow.

I have so much to do this week. Patti (the mother and wife) is a nurse around the town and offers free medical help so I will be collecting all extra medicines that people aren't using here in the States, BP cuffs, a nebulizer, and any other medical supplies I can fit! Mark (the dad and husband) used to work in Outdoor Education at Sky Ranch. Needless to say, he is awesome for playing with the kids and people there. He also preaches at the church there often and the whole family leads Bible studies. Bekah (their 14 year old daughter) even leads Bible studies for younger girls! The plan is to live with this wonderful family in their bamboo hut in this fishermen village for the first month or so. I want to learn all they can teach me, and help them in any and every way possible!

The next couple months I will be living in the Nehemiah House which is a home for rescued sexually abused girls (most often victims of sex trafficking I do believe). I will help prepare meals, make sure the girls are doing their studies, and building relationships to share the love of Jesus with these sweet girls. You can learn more about this at

What a whirlwind!!! God has such big plans, and we just need to be ready and open to hear him and respond. I recently read a really cool devotional reminding us that God prefers when we don't know the whole plan. He reveals little pieces to us, but not knowing the end result allows us to depend on Him every step.

I love you all and thank you for your support. Please be praying for not only my safety, but prepare my hands and feet to act for Christ.
Bible study led by Mark Kenney

High tide time of the day! 

1 comment:

  1. whitney. wow. i am PUMPED for you! i am saving your blog address and will be praying for your time there! i am so encouraged at seeing the Lord's leading through this whole thing! will you be doing email updates as well? let me know dear :)

    -lyndsey parham
