Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Americans are Here

Where to begin?

-We had a group of Americans (yes- I have now reffered to them as Americans and don't include myself. I call the filipinos the filipinos and the kenneys the kenneys. Where does that leave me? I'm not sure :)) come from Oregon this week...13 of them actually. I was so thoroughly excited to not be the newbie anymore and to get to watch other people react to things that I reacted to as well! Seeing them come into this place that I have fallen in love with made me realize the growth that God has given me from being here. For instance, Rachel (one of the girls here) asked me tons of questions:

1. Do you miss home and your family like crazy?
Answer: Yes, I miss my friends and family but it does not sadden me for a minute because I am in love with the people who surround me and I know that this is where my Father wants me to be. I have not questioned that for one minute. I actually have not had the big roller coaster of emotions of highs and lows. I know I have hit moments that are harder than others, but I love where I am and I love the thought of seeing God look down on me and smiling for trusting in His will and not my own- because me being here was totally by His doing and not mine.

2. What's your favorite part about being here so far?

Answer: I simply couldn't answer it. I love building the relationships by just living life with the filipinos. They are so amazing, full of laughter, hard work, singing all the time, never in too big of a hurry to talk- why wouldn't i love that? I love basketball practice everyday and beach time because I have gotten to know the guys who take part in it and I can goof around with them like only athletes can do together ;) I love the sense of community- i know that any of those people in Pandan will have my back or are looking out for me- heck- they bless me all the time with helping me with laundry, rides to places, delicious fruit, hinna tattoos :) Funny story that goes with this: I finished bball practice the other day and I was so so hot... it's at noon in the dead heat of the tropic day on a black sand court with no covering. Anyways, we got done scrimmaging for over an hour so I went to the fresh water spring to cool off. People bathe in there all the time. I jump in the freezing cold water and one of the old men in there doing his laundry said "no no no no! you are destroying your body!!" I asked what in the heck he was talking about... apparently, they think that if you go from really hot to really cold you will like die. The next day I promise yall I had about 15 people ask if I was okay and told me they were all so worried because I got in cold water ;)) I seriously feel so loved... I try not to scare them by doing that anymore even though I know that my body fully rejoices in the cold relief :)

3. What is your ministry here?
The awesome part about being here for 3 months is that I am not doing a to-do list at all. I am simply living with people and when i see a need, i can respond. In the meantime, I just hang out with them and make sure that my head and heart is on God so that I can be a light for them through my attitude and actions. I wake up in the morning, have my quiet time with God, then go to the waiting shed to hang out with the town while everyone helps bring the boats in and waits for all the fishermen to return with the tamban (fish). Then I just live the day with them :) and pray continuously of course...

Anyways- I am rambling on now- so here are some pictures to catch yall up on the rest :)

Sign for a Jeepney stop. I drive a jeep but now I think I will always think of these honkin' steel machines instead :) 

One of the local owner's of a fishing boat. NOTICE: He is wearing an Iowa Cyclones shirt :) 

Everyone helping pulling a boat up in the morning.
My fingerprinting process at the National Bureau of Investigation for my nursing school application. It was so ghetto... This is where the prisoners get fingerprinting because everyone else does it digital. I am so surprised I got accepted into nursing school with those janky prints :) 

My fingerprinter in the corner of a rainy, nasty corner of the NBI office

my fingerprints- What a joke!

This is from when i was at nehemiah house. but these are all the wonderful women of the nehemiah house staff! :) 

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