Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Baptism in the Ocean at Sunrise.. why not?

16 Filipinos made a public statement of joining the family of Christ through baptism on Monday morning! 16! It was the most beautiful way to start a week! We woke up at sunrise- grabbed a few blankets, guitars, coffee, eggs & bread and headed down to the beach.  Picture it: the sun is rising over the mountains, fishermen are slowly coming back in to the beach from the night’s work, the water is so still, the breeze is making the beach perfect weather, and we are walking on the sand with a dozen Filipinos following.
The sunrise over the mountains

Playing as we wait for everyone to arrive 

Once everyone got there, we joined hands in prayer and sang songs of worship. Then those being baptized joined hands and walked into the sea. One by one Pastor Ben dipped baptized them as Miss Patti prayed over each one. It was awesome! Over the past month I have gotten to know each and every one of these people through the Bible studies and oh my goodness- God has added some amazing people to His family! While everyone was being baptized those of us on the beach were led in worship songs by a couple of guitarists and held the babies of those in the baptism. It took about 30 minutes and I loved every minute! Once we were finished, they came back on the beach and we got to welcome each one to the family of Christ! We celebrated by having breakfast and coffee all together on the beach!
Praise the Lord O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name. 

Praying before the baptism

Breakfast celebration after baptisms! 

ate Grace (aka my filipino sister ;))

On our walk out to the baptism, I found these boys sleeping on the beach 

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