Sunday, October 14, 2012

My filipino birthday!

Sunset at the beach resort. 

WHOA! I thought I was supposed to come to the Philippines to bless the filipinos... I obviously did not realize what lengths they were going to go to on my birthday! I woke up this morning (my first morning back in Pandan in 3 weeks) and I hear people singing praise and worship. I thought to myself, "Wow, someone is getting a head start on their Sunday!" But it was so beautiful- people harmonizing and whatnot. Then I hear Miss Patti come upstairs and say, "Hey Whitney, are you up?," I tell her I am and she asks if I hear that music, I stretch and reply, "Yes, it's so nice isn't it" and she said, "It's for you!" I shot up with a "WHAT?!" Yep... it was for me. It's a filipino tradition to be serenaded on your birthday! I come downstairs, fling open the front door and there are about 15 of the sweetest Pandan friends singing songs to me, with one of them leading on the guitar! They probably sang 5 songs for me, then ended with happy birthday! (I have a video of this, but I couldn't figure out how to load it tonight, so maybe tomorrow!). After the songs, I invited them in for coffee where we crammed all 20 of us in the little bamboo living room to drink our instant coffee, eat the delicious rice dish ate Alma brought (it's sticky rice with brown sugar.. mmm), and then ate Evie and ate Neddy brought a "mango float" cake which is basically mangos with creme and graham cracker.... mmmm... needless to say, i had so many delicious sweets to start the day!!! This whole party lasted about 2 hours and was so fun!!!

The Kenneys had already bought my favorite Arbee's bread and fruit juice for birthday breakfast- so I had second breakfast about an hour later ;)

Then I went off to church where my birthday was announced and the whole congregation sang happy birthday to me! I came home from church, ready to help with Bekah's Bible clubs, only to find out I had another surprise--

A day at a beach resort!!!! 16 other Pandan friends joined us in a tiny truck (yes, we piled in the back, 10 in the back of this little truck) and drove 40 minutes down the road to a BEAUTIFUL white sand beach resort!!! We snorkeled, laid on the beach, ate birthday cake and fruit salad (one of my favorite dishes here!) and just relaxed. I learned about all the sea creatures ( I love how filipinos know how to utilize everything in nature for function or for food ;)). I also got to watch the sunset over the ocean and a huge volcanic island-breathtaking! Then we cleaned up for dinner and ate a wonderful meal at this unbelievably beautiful beach resort!!! It was soo fancy. I am pretty sure it was the fanciest place most of the filipinos with us had ever eaten at. They kept thanking me for having my birthday there so they could have that opportunity... like I had helped in any of it ;) It was all the Kenneys! So sweet!
The birthday group at the beach

The resort is up the stairs in the background

Bekah and ate Evie who I came to adore from the Nehemiah House in CDO. She works there full time! 

Getting to see the beautiful white sand bottom! 

A tall candle for the tall girl 

Starfish that they caught!! They were alive! It was so cool to see the feet moving

ate Alma (my filipino momma) and Elroy

Sweet momma Mimay and her newest son, Mark Joseph

Another starfish-different kind. super creepy to hold!

Another kind of starfish! 

Some of my favorite people from Pandan

Relaxing on the beach. Pandan is a beach too but it's a working, fishing beach. this one is so peaceful and quiet! no fish smell! :) 

the mommys on the trip

this picture wasn't even enhanced! 

Beautiful dinner setup at the resort

Walking back to the hut at the end of an amazing birthday, I thought my day was wrapping up... BUT as i walked down the main street of Pandan, a group of the basketball guys from practice were sitting around. They were waiting for me! when i walked up, one of them started playing the guitar and they all sang me happy birthday!!! :)) My cheeks hurt from smiling so much!!!

I thought I had heard the happy birthday song for the most times in my entire life today.. then i got on facebook and saw such a precious video post from my Nehemiah girls in Cagayan of them singing me happy birthday.. I have to admit that I teared up. I have been blessed beyond measure here. I have been here for a month and a half and there has been a constant language barrier, yet God has let me connect with so many people that have each taken a little piece of my heart. They went so out of their way for me today and made me feel so loved, cared for, adored and welcome today!!!!!!


P.S-yes, I do miss you America and all of my precious precious friends and family there!!! You all are absolutely amazing. Who am I that God would bless me with so much?!

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