Thursday, November 15, 2012

Open the eyes of my heart Lord

So far I have been blogging my experiences without really asking for more financially- I actually hate to ask for money. Even going through college, I felt so apologetic asking my dad for money for groceries even though I knew he would love to provide for me. Well, I am stepping far out of my comfort zone and going to ask you to examine your financial positions and hearts in the meantime.

Most of Pandan and the surrounding neighborhoods are filled with needs. Everyone could use something. So I have daily asked God to open my eyes to see and ears to hear where He desires. Well, today I was introduced to a family who has grabbed my heart to the point of tears. They are a family of six. The father was actually a pastor in their hometown in the mountains but because of their son’s severe breathing condition, they had to move closer to town for the medical care. Now the father works in a plywood company and only makes money for whatever work they can get in a day. The momma sells fish. The four boys are all supposed to be in school, but cannot afford it due to the medical bills for the one son. This son has breathing attacks once a week and usually comes to Miss Patti to use the nebulizer. However, sometimes they are more severe and he has to go to the hospital. He is eleven years old and he is fully aware of how his medical condition affects the whole family. He has even said that he wishes he would die so that he wouldn’t be a burden to his family! The family currently lives in a one room shack that is literally the size of some of our walk-in closets (no exaggeration!). The house is actually starting to lean because it was built with whatever they could find. Also, high tide comes up so high that it shifts the house as the water comes into the flooring. This family loves the Lord. I was told by Grace (my adopted Filipino sister ;)) that they have never complained nor do they ever ask for anything.

I do not want anyone to act out of guilt or out of following rules with no heart (so please examine your heart and pray about it), but  God says in:

James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before god, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” Not that these are widows or orphans, but I think they fall in the same category of those who need help.

Matthew 25:40 "And the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'

Therefore, I am asking to fundraise to build them a house that is sturdy and will fit them all. It will be nothing fancy, but it will be amazing for them. The cost will be around $350. The house will be made fully of bamboo from the siding to the floor to the framework. Please let me know if you would be willing to donate to this cause so I can begin to see if this could be possible.

Thank you all for your faithfulness to pray for me while I am here. God is so good.


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