Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Starting Point

Back in May, I was sitting down to have a quiet time in my Beth Moore James study. I had just graduated college and all of my friends were leaving for the summer or for good. You spend the entire time in college waiting to graduate, and then when it happens, you aren't prepared for the huge loss of you life. No one warns you about that part. Needless to say, I was feeling like I didn't have a purpose anymore. I am so guilty of finding something that I should be doing, and pouring my whole self into it. Without school, my hands were empty. However, God (through the mouth of my wonderful mother) suggested using this time to serve God whole heartedly. I was challenged to forget myself and my day-to-day problems and really invest in others... to be a part of something bigger. So I started a deep investigation of possible mission trips.

I am applying for nursing school to start next spring, so instantly I thought I needed to look for a medical mission trip. I found many great options, but I really wanted to support a Christian organization. I want to be a part of the body, doing my part for the gospel of Christ. Through friends of friends I found Buckner Missions International.

From here, things have been taking off and I'm just trying to hold on! Buckner has lined me up to be a "long term volunteer" in Kenya, Africa with their NGO staff. I attended orientation last week in Dallas and learned all about the history of Buckner (which is amazing!!), and I fell in love with their vision and purpose.

From here, I pray and fundraise, and pray and fundraise, and then pray again. God is going to have to provide or this just won't happen. But as a Christian, we are told "do not be anxious about anything, but with prayer and supplication and thanksgiving in your heart, let your request be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:6&7)." So this is what I am doing. I am praying and God is stilling my anxious heart. I am already learning to rest in Him and His provision. For those of you who know me, I am SUCH a planner. I live and breath by my little planner, so just sitting back and resting in God's timing is my first obstacle. He is teaching me graciously, and I am amazed how He is already putting the puzzle pieces together for me.

So this is how it is starting. Let's get on our knees...
(This is my fundraising newsletter)